INTRODUCE YOUNG ANGLERS TO TROUT FISHING AT PRE-SEASON PROGRAM MARCH 26 Kids ages 15 and under are invited to feel the thrill of catching a fish at “Trout Fishing for Kids” on Saturday, March 26, from 8 a.m. to noon at the DuPage Forest Preserve District’s Wood Dale Grove Forest Preserve in Wood Dale...
MAYSLAKE HALL TO UNDERGO YEARLONG EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS STARTING IN MAY The DuPage Forest Preserve District’s historic Mayslake Hall in Oak Brook will close for up to a year beginning May 31 for a major exterior improvement project. Forest Preserve District landscape architect Mark Decker said the certified master plan project will repair structural deficiencies and other problems with the roof, masonry, wood, stucco, windows, doors and foundation...
WCCHS STUDENTS PLACE 1ST IN ILLINOIS LIFESMARTS COMPETITION West Chicago Community High School finished in 1st place in the Illinois LifeSmarts competition on February 22, 2022. Members of the championship team are Arely Jacobo, Angie Jacobo, Dana Tomasevic, Christina Guo....
DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI NOMINATIONS NOW OPEN The Community High School District 94 Educational Foundation is seeking nominees for its 2022 Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award. The purpose of the program is to recognize West Chicago Community High School graduates whose accomplishments serve as an inspiration for current students to dream and achieve...
WEST CHICAGO HIGH SCHOOL RECEIVES NATIONAL ATHLETIC TRAINER'S ASSOCIATION SAFE SPORTS SCHOOL AWARD West Chicago Community High School is the recipient of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) Safe Sports School award for its high school athletics program. The award champions safety and recognizes secondary schools that have met the recommended standards to improve safety in sports...
ILLINOIS INDOOR MASKING REQUIREMENT TO END MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2022 Due to the continued decrease in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, and increase in available ICU beds, the Illinois indoor mask requirement will end Monday, February 28, 2022, at 12:01 a.m. Since the Governor announced his plan to lift the indoor mask requirement, the number of people in the hospital with COVID-19 has ...
TRANSITION TEAM RECEIVES STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION AWARD The Special Education Transition Team at West Chicago Community High School has earned the Illinois State Board of Education’s highest honor in the Those Who Excel Awards, Award of Excellence, for creating the WeGo Tees in-school business with their students last year...
ELGIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE RECOGNIED BY ACHIEVING THE DREAM AS A 2021 LEAD COLLEGE Elgin Community College today announced that it has been designated a Leader College of Distinction by Achieving the Dream (ATD), a national nonprofit dedicated to advancing community colleges as hubs of equity and mobility in their communities...
PLAY IN NATURE AT FUN SUMMER CAMPS FOR KIDS AND TEENS Registration is now open for DuPage County residents for a great lineup of fun outdoor forest preserve day camps for kids and teens through the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County at Registration for nonresidents begins ...
A WORD FROM CEO DAVID SABATHNE ON YOUR EXPERIENCE TO THE DANUBE RIVER CRUISE As you consider whether to travel with other business people or as a regular tourist, please feel free to ask any questions you might have. We recommend that you do some “homework” to help with your decision. Read a few travel guides. Do some research on...
EQUIPMENT DONATION FROM SWISS AUTOMATION, INC. GIVES ECC'S CNC TRAINING PROGRAM COMPETITIVE EDGE Helping to recognize National Career Technology Month in February is the addition of a 9-axis computer numeric control (CNC) machine donated by Swiss Automation, Inc. The donation, valued at more than $175,000, helps to further distinguish Elgin Community College’s Industrial Manufacturing Technology/Computer Integrated Manufacturing ...
THE HISTORY OF LATINOS IN ELGIN AND BEYOND TOPIC OF ECC'S BILL PELZ GLOBAL SPEAKER SERIES ON FEB. 23 Elgin Community College will host a Bill Pelz Global Speaker series titled “The History of Latinos in Elgin and Beyond” on Wednesday, February 23 from 2 – 3:30 p.m. This series is sponsored by the ECC Global/International Studies Taskforce (GIST). This event is free and open to the public. Join via ...
ECC ALUM SERGIO RODRIGUE APPOINTED TO FILL TRUSTEE VACANCY The Community College District 509 Board of Trustees has appointed Sergio Rodriguez to fill the trustee seat vacated by Jeffrey Meyer, JD, who resigned on Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2021. Rodriguez, of Pingree Grove, was selected unanimously at the board’s Wednesday Jan. 26, 2022 special ...
AMANDA VINICKY HEADLINES CIVIC AWARENESS SERIES The Robert R. McCormick House at Cantigny Park, the League of Women Voters of Wheaton, and the League of Women Voters of Central Kane County, announce an online presentation in the acclaimed Civic Awareness Series featuring Amanda Vinicky, Illinois government and politics correspondent for WTTW-TV, Chicago. She will speak...
TWO FEBRUARY PROGRAMS EXPLORE THE PROHIBITION ERA - CANTIGNY PARK The Museums at Cantigny Park announce two programs in February focusing on 1920s Prohibition and its ramifications. Historians from The Mob Museum in Las Vegas will present online via Zoom. Both events are free...
TAKE A ROMANTIC NIGHT WALK AT FULLERSBURG WOODS FEB. 11 & 12 Enjoy a night in nature with someone you love on a Romantic Night Walk from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on Feb. 11 and 12 at the DuPage Forest Preserve District’s Fullersburg Woods Forest Preserve at 3609 Spring Road in Oak Brook. Take a 1- to 3-mile self-guided walk with your sweetheart or with friends on lantern...
FEDERAL EMPLOYER VACCINATION MANDATE UPDATE Moments ago, in a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has halted the enforcement of the Federal OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard requiring that employees of businesses that employ 100 individuals or more be fully vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus or submit to weekly testing. The ruling removes the ...
DISTRICT EARNS STANDARD & POOR'S AAA BOND RATING ON BOND ISSUE The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County earned a AAA rating from Standard & Poor’s Global Rating for its series 2022 general obligation limited-tax bonds, which will be used to pay for certified master plan projects without raising debt-servicing costs ...
REMINDER TO PLAY IT SAFE OUTDOORS IN WINTER The Forest Preserve District of DuPage County reminds residents to play it safe while enjoying ice fishing, snow tubing, cross-country skiing, and other fun winter activities. “The safest way to enjoy the outdoors is with another person so you’re ...
SUPPORT DU PAGE FOREST PRESERVES ON #GIVINGTUESDAY NOV. 30 Keep your #GivingTuesday donation local this Nov. 30 by contributing a gift to DuPage forest preserves through the Friends of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County. As an added incentive, an anonymous donor has agreed to match #GivingTuesday donations to the Friends of the Forest Preserve District up...
DECEMBER PROGRAMS OFFERED BY FIRST DIVISION MUSEUM The First Division Museum at Cantigny Park announces two programs in December viewable online via Zoom. These events are free but require advance registration at Thursday, December 2 at 7 PM...