REGION 8 AND 9 MOVE TO TIER 1 The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today announced Region 8 (DuPage and Kane) and Region 9 (Lake and McHenry) are moving to Tier 1 effective today. Information about which tier and phase regions are in...
ILLINOIS UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE FRAUD INFORMATION Fraudulent unemployment insurance claims have been an unfortunate result of the pandemic and a persistent problem that continues to plague employees and employers alike. Illinois has been particularly ...
LOOKING FOR EMPLOYMENT AND NOT SURE HOW TO START? LOOK NO FURTHER! is a robust, dynamic and comprehensive, web-based workforce development system for job seekers, employers, training providers and workforce professionals with realtime data. For job seekers, it features...
GOVERNOR PRITZKER MODIFIES REGIONAL MITIGATION METRICS In an announcement regarding increased hospital staffing across Illinois, Governor Pritzker released modified regional mitigation metrics. These new mitigation metrics, which apply to all 11 COVID-19 regions in the state, are expected to loosen restrictions and...
CHICAGOLAND BLUE STAR MOTHERS CELEBRATING 5 YEARS OF SUPPORT! Chicagoland Blue Star Mothers IL6, the local chapter of Blue Star Mothers of America Inc., is proud to announce the fifth anniversary of our Chapter Charter! Our founding members felt an overwhelming urge to “do something” as ...
SENIOR LEGISLATIVE SIMULATION REIMAGINED For 27 years, West Chicago Community High School (WCCHS) American Government teachers have prepared senior students to “live” democracy through the award winning semester-long legislative simulation. Yet during a global pandemic, teachers were challenged to find a way to ...
CALL FOR GARDEN AND ARTS & CRAFTS VENDORS FOR 2021 BLOOMING FEST The City of West Chicago is now accepting vendor applications for its annual downtown garden festival, Blooming Fest, scheduled on Saturday, May 15, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Organized by...
ELGIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 509 BONDS AVAILABLE TO COMMUNITY Elgin Community College District 509 will issue approximately $92,990,000 in tax-exempt and taxable municipal bonds. Proceeds of the bonds will be used to refinance outstanding debt from existing bonds, generating an estimated $15 million in present value savings for the District and its residents. Interested investors ...
PPP OPENED TODAY FOR FIRST DRAW PPP LOAN APPLICATIONS Starting today, community financial institutions (Community Financial Development Institutions, Minority Depository Institutions, Community Development Corporations or Microlenders) can submit First Draw PPP loan applications to the...
AVIATOR AND MOTIVATIONAL LEADER JACKIE CAMACHO-RUIZ TO JURY TAKE FLIGHT Members of the West Chicago Cultural Arts Commission are hopeful that 2021 will prove to be an inspiring year for the arts in West Chicago. As a springboard for capturing the spirit of optimism for the future, they have issued a call for art for the 2021 Art Banner Exhibit, titled Take Flight...
JORDAN GARCIA NAMED DECEMBER STUDENT OF THE MONTH West Chicago Community High School has selected Jordan Garcia of West Chicago as Student of the Month for December 2020. Garcia was chosen for being an outstanding citizen, a hard worker, and an excellent student. A senior, Garcia has been on ...
WARRENVILLE'S HOMETOWN HAPPENINGS NEWSLETTER - JANUARY 2021 Mayor's Column, Happy New Year, 2021 City Calendars Available, Tips for extreme weather, Toy's for Tots - A Success!, Holiday Tree & LIght Recycling, Advisory Commission Volunteers Needed, and more! ...
WINDOW TO WEST CHICAGO - WINTER 2021 Ride DuPage offers Curb-to-Curb service for seniors and peoples with disabilities, From the Mayor, Take flight in 2021 SCARCE (School & Community Assistance for Recycling and Composting Education), Snow Guidelines and more!...
GUIDE TO SMALL BUSINESS COVID-19 EMERGNECY LOANS (CHANGES TO PPP & MORE) As part of an end-of-year pandemic relief package, Congress has passed several changes to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and created a “Second Draw” PPP for small businesses who have exhausted their initial loan. Other changes impact eligibility for ...
WCCHS STUDENT NAMED ALL-STATE MUSICIAN Ten students from West Chicago Community High School were selected in November for the 2020 Illinois Music Education Association (ILMEA) District 9 Honor Festival. One of these students, Samuel Incrocci, ...
WEST CHICAGO EMBARKS ON CREATION OF 20-YEAR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The City of West Chicago has announced the launch of a process to update its Comprehensive Plan, the guiding document for how community stakeholders hope to see the City grow and change over the next 20 years ...
ECC THEATRE PRESENTS AS YOU LIKE IT IN #MAKEARTALWAYS VIRTUAL SERIES Elgin Community College Theatre will present a virtual production of “As You Like It,” by William Shakespeare, on Saturday, Dec. 12 at 6 p.m. on the ECC Arts Center’s Facebook and YouTube pages. This production is directed ...