SEE “PANEL 44” NOW THROUGH AUGUST 13 The First Division Museum at Cantigny Park is proud to announce the arrival of “Panel 44: Eight Days in March,” a traveling exhibit that commemorates the 40th anniversary of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial....
WORK TO BEGIN JUNE 8 ON HIDDEN LAKE BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS The historic bridge that provides access to Eagle Lake at Hidden Lake Forest Preserve in Downers Grove will close for repairs beginning Wednesday, June 8. Visitors will not be able to access the Eagle Lake Trail or Eagle Lake until the bridge is reinstalled near the end of the year...
SUMMER SYMPHONY CONCERTS RETURN THIS MONTH Two evening symphony concerts, performed under the stars, are scheduled for Cantigny Park this summer. Admission to both family-friendly shows is free with paid parking. Celebrate the start of summer as the DSO performs “Hollywood Heroes,” featuring some of the most memorable film scores of the last 50 years. Enjoy works by Elmer Bernstein, ...
CHRIST OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH INSTALLS NEW PASTOR Jesus Gregorio Morales was ordained and installed as the Sole Pastor at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church in Winfield, Illinois. Pastor Morales is 24 years old, born in Mexico City, Mexico, and moved to Illinois when he was 2 years old. He grew up in the western suburbs, from...
PUBLIC INVITED TO COMMENT JUNE 11 ON PLANS FOR BLACKWELL, GREENE VALLEY, AND WATERFALL GLEN The DuPage Forest Preserve District invites the public to provide feedback on proposed plans for Blackwell, Greene Valley and Waterfall Glen forest preserves at June 11 open houses at each of the preserves. At the June 11 public sessions, District staff will share ideas for the three preserves...
PUBLIC INVITED FOR “OUT OF THE VAULT” With nearly 15,000 artifacts in its permanent collection, the First Division Museum at Cantigny Park is a treasure trove of military history with a national reputation. At any given time however, only a small fraction of the items can be on public exhibit.This month, the museum’s Collections department...
JUST FOR KIDS FISHING DERBY RETURNS TO BLACKWELL JUNE 12 The DuPage Forest Preserve District invites anglers 15 and under to drop a line at the Just for Kids Fishing Derby on Sunday, June 12, from 8 a.m. to noon at Silver Lake at Blackwell Forest Preserve in Warrenville. The free family-friendly event awards prizes in four age categories to anglers who catch the ...
SCENIC OVERLOOK AT GREENE VALLEY OPENS FOR SEASON MAY 7 Get a bird’s-eye view of DuPage County and the Chicago skyline from 190 feet above the ground at the DuPage Forest Preserve District’s scenic overlook at Greene Valley Forest Preserve in Naperville, which opens on weekends starting...
CIVIC AWARENESS SERIES ADDRESSES RUSSIA AND UKRAINE Guest speaker Dr. Richard Farkas will discuss the Russia-Ukraine conflict. A political science professor at DePaul University for more than 40 years, Farkas has lectured in Russia, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, and most recently South Africa. His research compares strategies for political and economic...
NEW ADA-ACCESSIBLE KAYAK & CANOE LAUNCH OPENS AT BLACKWELL FOREST PRESERVE DuPage Forest Preserve District officials celebrated the opening of the first permanent ADA-accessible kayak and canoe launch to accommodate people of all abilities at Silver Lake at Blackwell Forest Preserve in Warrenville. “We’re thrilled to provide a permanent launch that allows ...
REASSESSING THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION The First Division Museum at Cantigny Park continues its acclaimed Date with History series with an online program featuring author and historian Woody Holton. He will discuss his 2021 book, “Liberty is Sweet: The Hidden History of the American Revolutio...
BLACKWELL FAMILY CAMPGROUNDS OPENS FOR SEASON MAY 6 Take a minivacation right here in DuPage County by spending a night under the stars at the DuPage Forest Preserve District’s family campground at Blackwell Forest Preserve in Warrenville. The campground will be open weekends May 6 – Sept. 25. Campers can purchase permits online 24/7 up to a year in advance, but must make reservations ...
LIVE MUSICALS RETURN TO WEST CHICAGO Wego Drama at West Chicago Community High School continues their 2021-2022 season with the return of live musicals. “Little Shop of Horrors” will be presented April 28, 29, and 30, 2022 at 7 p.m. in Weyrauch Auditorium at the school ...
DISTRICT MOVES ONE STEP CLOSER TO APPROVING WILLOWBROOK WILDLIFE CENTER PROJECT The DuPage Forest Preserve District board on Tuesday reviewed an ambitious $25.5 million master plan project for Willowbrook Wildlife Center that would transform the center and make it the District’s first net-zero building. The board reviewed the plans at a Tuesday night planning session and is expected to vote on the ...
CIVIC AWARENESS SERIES EXAMINES CLIMATE ACTION PLAN Two guest speakers will present “Climate Action Plan in Review,” highlighting the vital work of the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus on climate issues, and the key role of electric vehicles (EVs) as we transition away from fossil fuels...
U.S. SPEEDSKATING TOUR OF OLYMPIANS VISIT THE B.R. RYALL YMCA Ever wanted to learn how Olympians train? Meet and learn from four 2022 U.S. Speedskating Olympians, including Glen Ellyn's onw Ethan Cepuran! The athletes, with assistance from Glen Ellyn Speedskating coaches and club members, will lead participants...
TICKETS GO ON SALE APRIL 11 FOR EXCLUSIVE IN-PERSON NATIVE PLANT PRESALE Tickets go on sale at 8 a.m. on April 11 and can be purchased online at Tickets are $15, and ticketholders will receive a one-hour time slot to shop and get gardening advice from District plant experts. Only 300 tickets will be sold...
WCCHS ESL STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHY FEATURED AT GALLERY 200 IN APRIL West Chicago Community High School ESL students will be displaying their expressive photography at Gallery 200 during the month of April. The exhibit is called “The Journey Home”. The Journey Home project is explained as follows: The word “home” means so many things to us. Home is the country in which you were born, or the apartment in ...
WCCHS STUDENTS PLACE IN 2022 UPSTATE EIGHT CONFERENCE ART SHOW West Chicago Community High School artists received awards in the annual Upstate Eight Conference Art Show held virtually in March, 2022. All ten high schools in the conference (Bartlett, East Aurora, Larkin, Fenton, Glenbard East, Glenbard South, Elgin, South Elgin, Streamwood and West Chicago) were eligible ...
TROUT SEASON OPENS APRIL 2 IN THREE DUPAGE FOREST PRESERVES The spring rainbow trout season opens Saturday, April 2, at 6 a.m. at three DuPage Forest Preserve District lakes: Grove Lake at Wood Dale Grove in Wood Dale Silver Lake at Blackwell in Warrenville and Pickerel Lake at ...
BOATERS INVITED TO TAKE FREE BOATER EDUCATION COURSE APRIL 9 Learn about boat safety, equipment, and regulations, and earn a state boating safety certificate at a Boater Education Course from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 9, at James “Pate” Philip State Park, 2050 W. Stearns Road in Bartlett...
WCCHS STUDENTS PERFORM IN IL REGIONAL ORCHESTRA CONSORTIUM West Chicago Community High School had eight students that were selected, had participated, and performed in the 2022 Illinois Regional Orchestra Consortium this past Saturday at Addison Trail High School. Members of the IROC festival included ...
***UPDATE***WEGO GOLBAL HOSTS BENEFIT CONCERT FOR UKRAINE***UPDATE*** WeGo Global, a student club at West Chicago Community High School, is hosting Rocking for Ukraine, a benefit concert for Ukraine on Friday, March 18, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in Commons at the school, 326 Joliet St., Entrance H (south side), West Chicago. Admission...
DISTRICT BEGINS SPRING PRESCRIPTION BURN SEASON TO BENEFIT HABITATS — In coming weeks specially trained crews from the DuPage Forest Preserve District will be conducting prescription burns at selected sites in the county’s preserves. Prescription burns are considered an effective natural resource management tool for restoring native prairies, wetlands and woodlands. Prescription burns generally ...
CHAMBER DAY 2022 RECAP On March 2nd the Illinois Chamber of Commerce held its’ 5th Annual Chamber Day at the Abraham Lincoln Hotel where we were honored to welcome the House Speaker, Emanuel “Chris” Welch, House Republican Leader Jim Durkin and finally, Mayor of Springfield...